


V-POINT 貯まる!使える!



  • 萬斎でござる -ハードカバー版-


    After watching the movie Onmyoji I addict to Mr. Nomura Mansai.He is a charming man.I want to know more about him and I'd like to collect products about him. Although I live in the mainland of China that there must be some difficulty in getting this books, I have some friends can help to buy it for me.So I hope very much that this book can be republished soon.(2004/07/10)
  • 陰陽師 野村萬斎写真集

    【著者】発行人 井上伸一郎 出版コーディネート 2001映画 『陰陽師』製作委員会

    After watching the movie Onmyoji I addict to Mr. Nomura Mansai.He is a charming man.I want to know more about him and I'd like to collect products about him. Although I live in the mainland of China that there must be some difficulty in getting this books, I have some friends can help to buy it for me.So I hope very much that this book can be republished soon.(2004/07/10)

V-POINT 貯まる!使える!