


V-POINT 貯まる!使える!





  • I would like Toyama's book to be reperinted because i am in Karate and i would really like to read and learn about him and his training. I would like to buy one once it is reprinted (2004/06/15)
  • I train in a system that is directly descended from Toyama's. This book would be an invaluble reference for all our students. (2004/06/01)
  • Grandmaster Toyama is in the lineage of my martial arts system. Byung In Yoon trained under Grandmaster Toyama and founded his school in Korea, which is where my current teacher began his training. This will greatly enrich my martial arts knowledge. Robert McLain (2004/06/01)
  • I would like to see yjis book reprinted to help preserve the roots of traditional martial arts, As a Student of Grandmaster KIm Soo who was a student of Grandmaster Yoon Byung In student of Grandmaster Toyama Kanken, i feel it would be a great priviledge to see the work of one of the founding fathers of this traditional art. (2004/06/01)
  • Toyama Kanken Sensei was very important in karate-do history. I am a
    godan teacher in his lineage, four generations later. Many students in
    our organization would buy his book. Our headquarters website is
    www.kimsookarate.com. As you can see, we are a large group with many
    dojo, and we all practice karate-do from Toyama Kanken Sensei. (2004/05/31)
  • this is a very important historical book of karate, it should be made available to all karate practioners. I would love to have a copy in my library. please reprint this book, thank you. domo arigato!! (2004/05/18)
  • This is a treasure that should be shared with the world. Please reprint it and notify me of its availability. (2004/05/17)
  • I believe the knowledge Toyama put in his book should be released in English so every one at my Dojo can gain from it. (2004/05/16)
  • I would really like this book to be published because my Sensei is very passionate about obtaining a copy of this very rare and special book. I think it would be great to be able to have it as a reference and to make sure that what is written inside is passed on to other karate students. Thank you. (2004/05/15)
  • In preserving the history of martial arts, I believe that Toyama's Book should be reprinted. This book will help aid in the teaching of his style, and prevent inpurities in it. (2004/05/13)
  • Toyama Sensei is the founder of Shudokan Karate-do, the system that I have been studying for 18 years. This book has special information from him for his students. (2004/05/12)
  • Because it has kata and possible other techniches that may are done differectly or have been lost over the years that could be recoverd by reprinting this book. (2004/05/12)
  • I am a student of Karate and this book is important tool for not only my understanding but for that of my families as well. (2004/05/11)
  • There are countless karate students that want to learn about Toyama. Many of these students do not speak Japanese,but would be willing to have the book translated if only they could get a copy of it to begin with. Share the information so it doesn't get lost to the ages. (2004/05/07)
  • There are thousands of karate-ka that are descendants of
    Kanken Toyama.These students have been without a source
    of information on the founder of the Shudokan.He is karate
    history's best kept secret and most overlooked instructor with
    countless influences.Since Toyama didn't leave a successor
    his legacy has been sacrificed because we did not have a way
    to classify his karate.We should not let this invaluable amount
    of information get lost to neglect. (2004/05/06)
  • 古流空手の形をぜひ見てみたい。 (2009/08/22)
  • 歴史的名著です。以前友人のをお借りいたしました。是非再度研究したいです。 (2009/07/01)
  • 沖縄正統空手道を(首里手)を研究しているため。 (2008/11/14)
  • 空手の歴史に興味があるため。 (2008/05/13)
  • 以前所有していたが、他人に貸し紛失。古書を探していたが入手できず。
    遠山先生ー師匠ー小生と伝えられているものの確認もしたい。 (2007/12/04)

V-POINT 貯まる!使える!