


V-POINT 貯まる!使える!



  • さらば、わが愛 覇王別姫

    I'm Leslie chueng fans, he is a very good very hard very perfect artist, this one album left much of Leslie chueng good memories, and a lot of China's beautiful scene, because Leslie chueng was gone, love his people feel very distressing and regret, there are a lot of precious image set have been unable to buy, so I hope publishers can take this pictorial book published again once, let the love he can have it, also let don't know Leslie chueng people to have a chance to know him, thank you!(2012/04/07)
  • 香港映画の貴公子たち〈Part3〉レスリー・チャン&トニー・レオン

    【著者】梶原 和男

    I'm Leslie chueng fans, he is a very good very hard very perfect artist, this one album left much of Leslie chueng good memories, and a lot of China's beautiful scene, because Leslie chueng was gone, love his people feel very distressing and regret, there are a lot of precious image set have been unable to buy, so I hope publishers can take this pictorial book published again once, let the love he can have it, also let don't know Leslie chueng people to have a chance to know him, thank you!(2012/04/07)
  • レスリー・チャンのすべて


    I'm Leslie chueng fans, he is a very good very hard very perfect artist, this one album left much of Leslie chueng good memories, and a lot of China's beautiful scene, because Leslie chueng was gone, love his people feel very distressing and regret, there are a lot of precious image set have been unable to buy, so I hope publishers can take this pictorial book published again once, let the love he can have it, also let don't know Leslie chueng people to have a chance to know him, thank you!(2012/04/07)
  • 慶 レスリー・イン・チャイナ

    【著者】ウイン・シャ 撮影

    私はleslie chuengのファンで、彼は1人のとても善良でとても努力していてとても完璧な芸術家で、私は彼の映画が好きで、音楽、文字がまだあって、この写真集は多くのleslie chuengの幸せな思い出を残して、多くの中国がまだある美しい光景、leslie chuengの立ち去ることため、彼が好きな人はすべてひどく心が痛んでと残念に思って、たくさんで貴重な映像は集まってすべてすでに買えることができなくて、だから望み出版会社はこの写真集を再び一回出版することができて、好感の彼の人にすべてそれを持つことができて、同じくleslie chuengを調べない人にひとつが再び彼の機会を知ることがあらせて、たいへんありがとうございます~~!!!(2012/04/06)


  • 慶 レスリー・イン・チャイナ

    ウイン・シャ 撮影


    I'm Leslie chueng fans, he is a very good very hard very perfect artist, I like his movies, music, and text, this one album left much of Leslie chueng good memories, and a lot of China's beautiful scene, because Leslie chueng was gone, love his people feel very distressing and regret, there are a lot of precious image set have been unable to buy, so I hope publishers can take this pictorial book published again once, let the love he can have it, also let don't know Leslie chueng people to have a chance to know him, thank you ~ ~!!!!!!!(2012/04/06)

V-POINT 貯まる!使える!