


V-POINT 貯まる!使える!



  • レスリー・チャンのすべて


    Love him, Love this book!(2012/04/09)
  • さらば、わが愛 覇王別姫

    Milestone of Leslie Cheung, Pride of Asia.(2012/04/09)
  • 慶 レスリー・イン・チャイナ

    【著者】ウイン・シャ 撮影

    A lot of fans fall in love with Leslie after 2003. He put his sincerity in 慶.I'm one of these fans, and I do have a thousand dreams of giving him love & possessing 慶! Very grateful that he has been giving me so much!This photo album is an essence of his art, his ideal, his heart, and his spirit. Any one of us fans is having a thousand dreams of possessing this photo album to pursuit his footprint, his heart and his spirit.(2012/04/08)


  • 慶 レスリー・イン・チャイナ

    ウイン・シャ 撮影

    One thousand dreams of republishing of 慶 レスリー・イン・チャイナ

    There are a lot of Leslie Cheung's fans who fall in love with him after the year 2003 or even after 2005. Leslie put his sincere heart in this great Photo album; however, it's really a big sorrow for these fans having no chance of expressing their love to him nor even at least get his last photo album with his whole heart. I'm one of these fans, and I do have a thousand dreams of meeting him and possessing this book!
    What’s more important is that I'm really grateful that he entered my life and give me so much. His spirit encourages me to conquer all the difficulties in my life. His art brings me great enjoyment. The most important he taught me what is love and how to love other people, which has deeply improved my relationships and my life.
    To thank him, I (and I think all of his fans) would like to express my love through a thousand ways!
    This photo album is an essence of his art, his ideal, his heart, and his spirit. Any one of us fans is having a thousand dreams of possessing this photo album to pursuit his footprint, his heart and his spirit.
    Please help us to fulfill our dream! Thank you sincerely!(2012/04/08)

V-POINT 貯まる!使える!